Contact details
Office: Fry Building, office 1.10 (directions are here)
E-mail: click here
Public key: click here
Mail address: Fry Building, Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UG, United Kingdom
- “17T7 is a Galois group over the rationals” (preprint, joint with Edgar Costa, Noam D. Elkies, Timo Keller, Sam Schiavone, John Voight)
- “Reduction of Plane Quartics and Dixmier-Ohno invariants” (published in Research in Number Theory, joint with Jordan Docking, Reynald Lercier, Elisa Lorenzo García, preprint on ArXiV)
- “Reduction of Plane Quartics and Cayley Octads” (preprint, accepted for Foundations of Computational Mathematics, joint with Jordan Docking, Vladimir Dokchitser, Reynald Lercier, Elisa Lorenzo García)
- “Computing isogeny classes of typical principally polarized abelian surfaces over the rationals” (published in AMS Contemporary Mathematics book “LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory”, joint with Shiva Chidambaram, Edgar Costa, Jean Kieffer, preprint on ArXiV)
- “Computing torsion for plane quartics without using height bounds” (preprint)
- “Abelian varieties of prescribed order over finite fields” (published in Mathematische Annalen, joint with Edgar Costa, Wanlin Li, Bjorn Poonen, and Alexander Smith, preprint on ArXiV)
- “A user's guide to the local arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves” (published in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, preprint on ArXiv, joint with Alex J. Best, L. Alexander Betts, Matthew Bisatt, Vladimir Dokchitser, Omri Faraggi, Sabrina Kunzweiler, Céline Maistret, Adam Morgan, Simone Muselli, and Sarah Nowell)
- “Efficient computation of BSD invariants in genus 2” (published in Simons Symposia, Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation, preprint on ArXiv)
- “Boundedness in families with applications to arithmetic hyperbolicity” (published in Journal of the London Mathematical Society, preprint on ArXiv, joint with Ariyan Javanpeykar and Ljudmila Kamenova)
- “Explicit arithmetic intersection theory and computation of Néron-Tate heights” (published in Math. Comp., preprint on ArXiv, joint with David Holmes and Steffen Müller)
- “Models of curves: The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture & ordinary reduction”, PhD thesis
- “The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for an elliptic curve over ℚ(∜5)” (published in Arch. Math., preprint on ArXiv)
- “Numerical verification of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for hyperelliptic curves of higher genus over ℚ up to squares” (published in Exp. Math., preprint on ArXiv)
- “Inverse Galois problem for ordinary curves” (published in IJNT, preprint on ArXiv)
- “17T7 as a Galois group over Q through Hilbert modular forms”, Number Theory Seminar, Cambridge (UK), February 2025
- “17T7 as a Galois group over Q through Hilbert modular forms”, Heilbronn Number Theory Seminars, October 2024
- “Reduction of plane quartics and Dixmier-Ohno invariants”, Sixteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS XVI), July 2024
- “Reduction of Plane Quartics and Cayley Octads”, 2024 Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation Annual Meeting, January 2024
- “Isogeny classes of typical, principally polarized abelian surfaces over Q”, IRMAR, Rennes, November 2023
- “Isogeny classes of typical, principally polarized abelian surfaces over Q”, LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory (LuCaNT), July 2023
- “Abelian varieties of prescribed order”, Linfoot Number Theory Seminars, December 2021
- “Computation of BSD invariants in higher genus”, Algebra, geometry and number theory seminar, Leiden, December 2020
- “The Bombieri-Stepanov approach to the Riemann hypothesis for curves over finite fields”, STAGE, November 2020
- “Cluster pictures for hyperelliptic curves”, VaNTAGe seminar, November 2020 (video)
- “Boundedness in families of projective varieties with applications to arithmetic hyperbolicity”, BU number theory seminar, Boston University, January 2020
- “Explicit arithmetic intersection theory and computation of Néron-Tate heights”, Joint mathematics meeting, Denver, January 2020
- “Boundedness in families of projective varieties with applications to arithmetic hyperbolicity”, Number theory seminar, MIT, Autumn 2019
- “Boundedness in families of projective varieties with applications to arithmetic hyperbolicity”, SFB Kolloquium, Mainz, Summer 2019
- “Kwack's theorem and its applications”, Seminar: Algebraic properties of hyperbolic varieties, Mainz, Winter 2018/2019
- “De Rham cohomology for physicists”, joint seminar between mathematics and physics, Mainz, Winter 2018/2019
- “How to compute regulators using Arakelov intersection theory”, SFB Kolloquium, Mainz, Autumn 2018
- “Numerical verification of BSD”, Curves and L-functions, Trieste, September 2017
- “Models of curves”, Néron model seminar, Leiden, Autumn 2017
- “Numerical verification of BSD”, BSD Data @ Bristol, March 2017
- “Duality of abelian varieties”, Good Reduction of Abelian Varieties seminar, Amsterdam, Autumn 2016
- “Inverse Galois problem for ordinary curves: construction of some examples”, Algebra seminar, Leiden, Autumn 2016
- “The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture”, Seminar on rational points on elliptic curves, Leiden, Spring 2016
- “Néron models”, joint with M. Derickx, G. Orecchia, M. Tzortzakis, ALGANT presentation, Essen, Spring 2016
- “The algebraic stack Mg”, Moduli stacks seminar, Leiden, Autumn 2015
- “The Grothendieck monodromy theorem”, Local Galois representations seminar, Leiden, Spring 2015
- “Cohomology on quasi-coherents, torsors, H1 and the Picard group”, Etale cohomology seminar, Leiden, Autumn 2014
- “Jordan decomposition and Tannaka duality”, Master student seminar, Paris-Sud, Spring 2013.
Other mathematical texts
- “Wie is de dief?”, Pythagoras (April 2016)
- “Almost all hyperelliptic Jacobians have a bad semi-abelian prime”, master's thesis (2014)
- “The Grothendieck group of GL(n)”, Travaux encadré de recherche (2013)
- “Using the Chebotarev density theorem to calculate the size of Galois groups”, bachelor's thesis (2012)
- “Reekssommen en tweemachten”, Pythagoras (November 2010)
- “Dualiteit”, Dutch article for the second year student seminar LPC (April 2010)
- Autumn 2021: Introduction To Algebraic Geometry (18.721) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Summer 2019: Computeralgebra (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
- Winter 2018/2019: Zahlentheorie (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
- Spring 2018: Mathematical Reasoning (Leiden University College)
- Autumn 2017: Curves over Finite Fields (notes coding theory, notes elliptic curve crypto, homework 3 (small typo has been corrected on 6 December), Universiteit Leiden)
- Spring 2017: Mathematical Reasoning (Leiden University College)
- Autumn 2016 & Spring 2017: Wiskundewedstrijdtraining (Universiteit Leiden)
- Autumn 2016: Wiskundige Structuren (Universiteit Leiden)
- Autumn 2016: Lineaire Algebra I voor wiskunde (Universiteit Leiden)
- Spring 2016: Modular Forms (Mastermath)
- Autumn 2015 & Spring 2016: Wiskundewedstrijdtraining (Universiteit Leiden)
- Autumn 2015: Statistiek voor Life Science and Technology (Universiteit Leiden)
- Spring 2015: Wiskundewedstrijdtraining
- Autumn 2014: Algebraic Number Theory (Mastermath)
- Spring 2014: Algebra 3 (Universiteit Leiden)
- Autumn 2013: Introduction to Manifolds (Universiteit Leiden) & Besliskunde 2 (Universiteit Leiden)
- Spring 2012: Numerieke Methoden 1 (Universiteit Leiden)
- Autumn 2011: Lineaire Algebra 1 voor Natuur- en Sterrenkundigen (Universiteit Leiden)
- Number Theory Web Seminar (Continuously, online)
- VaNTAGe (Continuously, online)
- MIT number theorey seminar (Continuously, MIT)
- STAGE (Continuously, MIT)
- Quantum computation and quantum information seminar (Summer 2019, Mainz, organising)
- Seminar: Algebraic properties of hyperbolic varieties (Winter 2018/2019, Mainz)
- SFB/TRR45 Kolloquium (Continuously, Mainz)
- Tropical geometry seminar (Spring 2018, Leiden)
- Néron models seminar (Autumn 2017, Leiden)
- Logarithmic Geometry seminar (Spring 2017, Leiden)
- Good Reduction of Abelian Varieties seminar (Autumn 2016, Amsterdam)
- Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Autumn 2016, Amsterdam)
- Rational points on elliptic curves (Spring 2016, Leiden)
- Knot theory (Spring 2016, Leiden)
- Copenhagen K3-surfaces (Autumn 2015, Copenhagen)
- Copenhagen number theory (Autumn 2015, Copenhagen)
- Moduli stacks (Autumn 2015, organising, Leiden)
- K3 surfaces and their automorphisms (Autumn 2014 / Spring 2015, Leiden)
- Local Galois representations (Spring 2015)
- Étale cohomology (Autumn 2014, Leiden)
- Algebra, geometry and number theory (Continuously, Leiden)
- Intercity Number Theory (Continuously, Leiden)
- General Mathematics Colloquium (Continuously, Leiden)